Pantry challenge day 3

I had to make a run to the store today, but I was fairly well behaved. We picked up two gallons of milk, a container of mayo, 10 lbs sugar, 20 lbs flour, and a container of store brand vanilla ice cream. I think the grocery portion of the bill ended up being around $27, a far cry from the $50-60 a week that it has been running.  We should be all set till next week. 

We were almost out of sugar (down to the last 1/2 cup) and hubby and I use it in our coffee/tea. I also noticed that I was getting low on flour.  As I buy both in bulk I thought getting them today would better prepare me for next week. 

Breakfast: hubby and I had the same old, same old, the boy had wheat toast and bacon

Lunch: crock pot Mac and cheese, which would have been done right when we got home if I had been able to work the outlet timer. Still yummy later. 

(Confession: the boy and I split a lemonade after we left the bowling alley).  

Dinner: right now I have 3 lbs of chicken wings cooking in the big crock pot (found them in the freezer--should have enough for leftovers). Once they're cooked I'll slather then with sticky glaze (maybe put some Frank's hot sauce on hubby's) and serve with rice and corn on the cob. 
Off to get my outside stuff done...

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Pantry Challenge: Day 2

Breakfast was actually a repeat of yesterday.  No big deal. 

Lunch: the boy requested a fluffernutter sandwich. I had egg salad, as I had hard boiled a couple extra eggs yesterday when I was making our salad. 

Dinner: we're going to have Mac and parm cheese, fried ham from freezer leftovers, and fruit. Since the boy had a frosty on our date yesterday and the hubby walke through the door with evidence of a peanut buster parfait, we didn't do the frappes last night. You can bet I'm doing them tonight, though. We have some light ice cream in the Grieg and 1% milk so I feel marginally less guilty.  Hubby has volleyball tonight, so I'm not sure if I'll be feeding him late tonight or not: often the guys order a pizza and share it. 

I do confess that when I went to dollar tree yesterday I picked up some tortilla shells and 4 packs of pepperoni, which I had $1/2 coupons for. Total spent: $3.  I like to have pepperoni on hand in case I make homemade pizza. Won't happen tonight though--too hot!

See ya tomorrow!

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Pantry challenge day 1

I'm participating in the pantry challenge over at Good Cheap Eats this week. My small freezer is filled to the top and I need to think about cleaning it out and defrosting it. Plus, it will be nice to only spend money on milk this week. I think I'll also need sugar but as far as I can tell, that's it. I'll probably carry it over to a second week at which point I'll pick up some fresh produce and milk. 

BREAKFAST: hubby makes himself an egg sandwich before work, my son had pop-tarts (a RARE treat) and some bacon (batch cooked it yesterday when the griddle was already dirty from breakfast--no grease this week!), and I had Carnation Instant breakfast. I have never been able to stomach solid food in the morning so my mother started giving it to me in 1st grade to fuel my mornings...and it still does!.

LUNCH: hubby has pasta salad with cut up turkey, some leftover cole slaw from a party Saturday, and banana bread that I made last night to use up 3 borderline bananas. I think he may have yogurt, too.  The Boy and I will be going to Wendy's for a quick lunch on the way to my parents house. This was a planned date for us. 

Snacks if needed: air popped popcorn. 

Supper: chicken Caesar salad for hubby and I. Not sure for the boy, perhaps some quick cheese quesadillas. Or grilled cheese if I don't have any tortillas. For dessert I'll pull out the blender and we can have some frappes. I'm not sure I've ever made them for the boy. It should be a fun treat. 

What's on your plate?

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Homemade, no boil liquid laundry detergent

From The Parsimonious Princess

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Homemade Pancake Syrup

2 1/3 c sugar

1/3 c corn syrup
1/3 c molasses
1 1/2 c water 
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp maple flavoring (optional) 

Combine the sugar, corn syrup, molasses, and water in a heavy saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Allow to boil for about 8 minutes (should thicken). Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly, then stir in salt and flavorings. Once cool transfer into an old pancake syrup bottle. I like to make it in the evening and leave it overnight with the cover on it to cool down completely. HINT: be very careful to wash all of the sugar granules into the pan before you boil the syrup. If you don't you are bound to transfer crystals, which will multiply in storage. 

As soon as I find the right receipt I'll provide a cost breakdown. 

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A Change of Mindset

I came to a surprising realization the other day. All those frugal changes that I implemented a few years ago? They are second nature now. And most of them just don't seem like that big of a deal to me anymore. Instead of calling my husband and asking him to pick up supper on the way home, he has had to talk me into letting him grab take out. As soon as the weather warms up, clothes go out on the line (I do my best budgeting work while hanging clothes). My blog reader consists of mainly frugal or budgeting sites. My kindle (a second generation, bought used on eBay for $45) is absolutely filled with books, 95% of which were free. Hubby is thrilled that those 275+ books aren't on bookshelves in our little house. 

When you're saving .25 here or a dollar there, it really doesn't seem like it should be making a difference. Upon reflection, though, I realized that this past fall/early winter, when we are traditionally broke as hubby moves from his summer, paid weekly job to his winter, biweekly paycheck, that things were ok. There is usually a 3 week period of no money coming in. This past year?? It didn't kill us. Bills were paid, milk was purchased, and on went life. 

I was amazed the other day as I was purging my house of donations and just plain junk, I realized that I no longer pine for the great big house. Too much square footage to clean. I would be lying to you if I didn't say that I desperately want a storage shed so that I can stop trying to find homes for four seasons of clothing. With the scrimping and saving...I think that's coming this summer. 

Ah well. Off to put supper on the table. We're having a little treat of steak on the grill worries--the rice and the veggies were free. 

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Cutting the Cable Cord

In the fall of 2009, my husband and I decided that we had to cut out our cable. It was about $130 for cable tv and internet, and frankly keeping the house was more important than what movie was playing on TV. We ended up getting DSL for about $20 a month and calling it good. We belonged to Netflix, so we figured we could get our movie fix that way.

And then I discovered Roku.

That Christmas we spent about $60 on a Roku Streaming Player as a gift to ourselves.

The Roku box allows us to stream Netflix onto our TV. It is enabled with wi fi, so we didn't even need to hard wire it into the wall. As a matter of fact, we can unplug it and take it into the other room.  Roku even has a number of free channels to choose from; Crackle has lots of great movies FOR FREE, with LIMITED COMMERCIALS.  This past spring I was also given an Amazon Prime Membership, which includes the streaming of a number of movies.  If we want to treat ourselves to a spur-of-the-moment new release, we can always rent one from Amazon (incidentally, if you keep your eyes peeled you can often get $5 Amazon on Demand credits to add to your account).

If you already own a PS3, Wii, or Xbox 360 you can stream Netflix as well. If you don't have the money to shell out for one of these, the Roku is a great alternative.

I do miss watching my Red Sox play; if I subscribed to I could stream that on Roku as well. That's pretty much the only thing I miss about cable.  I do NOT miss the $130 price tag.

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