A Change of Mindset

I came to a surprising realization the other day. All those frugal changes that I implemented a few years ago? They are second nature now. And most of them just don't seem like that big of a deal to me anymore. Instead of calling my husband and asking him to pick up supper on the way home, he has had to talk me into letting him grab take out. As soon as the weather warms up, clothes go out on the line (I do my best budgeting work while hanging clothes). My blog reader consists of mainly frugal or budgeting sites. My kindle (a second generation, bought used on eBay for $45) is absolutely filled with books, 95% of which were free. Hubby is thrilled that those 275+ books aren't on bookshelves in our little house. 

When you're saving .25 here or a dollar there, it really doesn't seem like it should be making a difference. Upon reflection, though, I realized that this past fall/early winter, when we are traditionally broke as hubby moves from his summer, paid weekly job to his winter, biweekly paycheck, that things were ok. There is usually a 3 week period of no money coming in. This past year?? It didn't kill us. Bills were paid, milk was purchased, and on went life. 

I was amazed the other day as I was purging my house of donations and just plain junk, I realized that I no longer pine for the great big house. Too much square footage to clean. I would be lying to you if I didn't say that I desperately want a storage shed so that I can stop trying to find homes for four seasons of clothing. With the scrimping and saving...I think that's coming this summer. 

Ah well. Off to put supper on the table. We're having a little treat of steak on the grill tonight...no worries--the rice and the veggies were free. 

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